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Fantasy Name Generator > LOTR Elf Names > Wise, Spiritual and Romantic

Lord of the Rings Elvish Wise, Spiritual and Romantic Names

List of Lord of the Rings elvish wise, spiritual and romantic themed names.

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Filter by Gender: Any Male Female Neutral

Name Sex Origin Meaning
Quácendil Neutral Quenya Frog (quáce) Lover or Friend (ndîl)
Quildolore Female Quenya Quiet (quilda) Dream (olos) Female (e)
Quildoloriel Female Quenya Quiet (quilda) Dream (olos) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Quildolorion Male Quenya Quiet (quilda) Dream (olos) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Quildoloro Male Quenya Quiet (quilda) Dream (olos) Male (o)
Quildolos Neutral Quenya Quiet (quilda) Dream (olos)
Name Sex Origin Meaning