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Fantasy Name Generator > LOTR Elf Names > Jewels and Metals

Lord of the Rings Elvish Jewel and Metal Names

List of Lord of the Rings elvish jewel and metal themed names.

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Filter by Gender: Any Male Female Neutral

Name Sex Origin Meaning
Echeleb Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Silver (celeb)
Egeleb Neutral Sindarin Thorn (êg) Silver (celeb)
Eithilevren Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) White Crystal (silivren)
Engil Female Sindarin Iron (ang) Female (il)
Engrenil Female Sindarin Iron (angren) Female (il)
Engwedhil Female Sindarin Chain (angwedh) Female (il)
Name Sex Origin Meaning