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Lord of the Rings Elvish Evil Names

List of Lord of the Rings elvish evil names.

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Filter by Gender: Any Male Female Neutral

Name Sex Origin Meaning
Haldarocco Neutral Quenya Shadow (halda) Horse (rocco)
Halde Female Quenya Shadow (halda) Female (e)
Haldiel Female Quenya Shadow (halda) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Haldion Male Quenya Shadow (halda) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Haldo Male Quenya Shadow (halda) Male (o)
Hithaer Neutral Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer)
Hithaerben Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Husband or Married Man (bend)
Hithaerbes Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Wife or Married Woman (bess)
Hithaerchanar Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Brother (hanar)
Hithaerchon Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Brother (hawn)
Hithaerdaer Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Bridegroom (daer)
Hithaerdes Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Young Woman (dess)
Hithaerdir Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Young Man (ndîr)
Hithaerdis Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Bride (ndîs)
Hithaerdor Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Brother (tôr)
Hithaerel Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Female (el)
Hithaereth Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Female (eth)
Hithaerhel Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Daughter, Maiden or Girl (sell)
Hithaeriel Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Hithaerien Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Daughter of or Girl (ien)
Hithaeril Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Female (il)
Hithaerion Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Hithaerneth Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Teenage Girl (neth)
Hithaernith Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Sister (nîth)
Hithaeron Male Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Male (on)
Hithaerphen Neutral Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) One (pen)
Hithaerthel Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Sister (thêl)
Hithaerwen Female Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) Maiden and Virgin (gwend)
Hithear Neutral Sindarin Mist (hith) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer)
Hloitar Neutral Quenya Poisoner (hloita+r)
Hloitare Female Quenya Poisoner (hloitar) Female (e)
Hloitariel Female Quenya Poisoner (hloitar) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Hloitarion Male Quenya Poisoner (hloitar) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Hloitaro Male Quenya Poisoner (hloitar) Male (o)
Hóndil Neutral Quenya Spirit or Shadow (hó) Lover or Friend (ndîl)
Hóndur Neutral Quenya Spirit or Shadow (hó) Servant (ndur)
Huirocco Neutral Quenya Night (hui) Horse (rocco)
Name Sex Origin Meaning