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Fantasy Name Generator > LOTR Elf Names > Battles

Lord of the Rings Elvish Battle Names

List of Lord of the Rings elvish battle themed names.

Filter by First Letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Filter by Gender: Any Male Female Neutral

Name Sex Origin Meaning
Cail Neutral Sindarin Sharp Fence (cail)
Cailben Neutral Sindarin Sharp Fence (cail) One (pen)
Calaear Neutral Sindarin Light (cal) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer)
Calaer Neutral Sindarin Light (cal) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer)
Calaerphen Neutral Sindarin Light (cal) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer) One (pen)
Calear Neutral Sindarin Light (cal) Sea or Coppery Red or Dreadful or Holy (gaer)
Caledhel Neutral Sindarin Light (cal) Elf (edhel)
Calel Neutral Sindarin Light (cal) Elf (edhel)
Calelben Neutral Sindarin Light (cal) Elf (edhel) One (pen)
Calenamath Neutral Sindarin Green (calen) Shield (amath)
Camaemben Neutral Sindarin Hand (cam) Skilled or Clever (maen) One (pen)
Camaen Neutral Sindarin Hand (cam) Skilled or Clever (maen)
Camen Neutral Sindarin Hand (cam) Skilled or Clever (maen)
Canben Neutral Sindarin Bold (cand) One (pen)
Cand Neutral Sindarin Bold (cand)
Cannamdir Neutral Sindarin Bold (cand) Hope (amdir)
Caranagar Neutral Sindarin Red (caran) Blood (agar)
Caranaith Neutral Sindarin Red (caran) Spearpoint (aith)
Caranamath Neutral Sindarin Red (caran) Shield (amath)
Caranecthel Neutral Sindarin Red (caran) Spearpoint (ecthel)
Caraniar Neutral Sindarin Red (caran) Blood (iar)
Carassereg Neutral Sindarin Red (caran) Blood (sereg)
Cassatan Neutral Quenya Helmet (cassa) Maker (tam)
Caumatan Neutral Quenya Shield (cauma) Maker (tam)
Caun Neutral Sindarin Valor or Ruler (caun)
Celebamath Neutral Sindarin Silver (celeb) Shield (amath)
Celebrenamath Neutral Sindarin Silver (celeb) Shield (amath)
Celeg Neutral Sindarin Swift or Agile (celeg)
Celegamlug Neutral Sindarin Swift or Agile (celeg) Dragon (amlug)
Celeganc Neutral Sindarin Swift or Agile (celeg) Teeth (anc)
Celeiramath Neutral Sindarin Brilliant (celair) Shield (amath)
Celevonamath Neutral Sindarin Of Silver (celevon) Shield (amath)
Cemamath Neutral Sindarin Earthen (cem) Shield (amath)
Cidinnamath Neutral Sindarin Small (cidinn) Shield (amath)
Cinnogamath Neutral Sindarin Small (cinnog) Shield (amath)
Círaglar Neutral Sindarin Renewed (cîr) Glory (aglar)
Círamath Neutral Sindarin Renewed (cîr) Shield (amath)
Cíwaglar Neutral Sindarin Fresh or New (cîw) Glory (aglar)
Cíwamath Neutral Sindarin Fresh or New (cîw) Shield (amath)
Collamath Neutral Sindarin Scarlet Red or Hollow (coll) Shield (amath)
Comben Neutral Sindarin Valor (caun) One (pen)
Cornamath Neutral Sindarin Globed (corn) Shield (amath)
Coru Neutral Sindarin Cunning (coru)
Coruben Neutral Sindarin Cunning (coru) One (pen)
Cosmben Neutral Sindarin Quarrel (cost) One (pen)
Cost Neutral Sindarin Quarrel (cost)
Costar Neutral Quenya Quarreler (costa+r)
Coth Neutral Sindarin Enemy (coth)
Cothastor Neutral Sindarin Enemy (coth) Cleaver (hasta+or)
Cotphen Neutral Sindarin Enemy (coth) One (pen)
Cotto Neutral Quenya Enemy (cotto)
Cottondil Neutral Quenya Enemy (cotto) Lover or Friend (ndîl)
Cottondur Neutral Quenya Enemy (cotto) Servant (ndur)
Cotumo Neutral Quenya Enemy (cotumo)
Cotumondil Neutral Quenya Enemy (cotumo) Lover or Friend (ndîl)
Cotumondur Neutral Quenya Enemy (cotumo) Servant (ndur)
Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû)
Cúben Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) One (pen)
Cúchador Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Thrower of Spears (had+or)
Cúdulus Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Poplar (tulus)
Cúfer Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Beech (fer)
Cúferne Neutral Quenya Crescent or Bow (cû) Beech (ferne)
Cúhador Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Thrower of Spears (had+or)
Cúlalf Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Elm (lalf)
Cúlalme Neutral Quenya Crescent or Bow (cû) Elm (lalme)
Culdecco Neutral Quenya Flame-Colored (culda) Spear (ecco)
Culdecet Neutral Quenya Flame-Colored (culda) Dagger (ecet)
Culdehte Neutral Quenya Flame-Colored (culda) Spear (ehte)
Cúnamath Neutral Sindarin Bow-Shaped or Bent (cûn) Shield (amath)
Cúnetan Neutral Quenya Bow (cúna) Maker (tam)
Cúnorno Neutral Quenya Crescent or Bow (cû) Oak (norno)
Cútasar Neutral Quenya Crescent or Bow (cû) Willow (tasar)
Cútaþar Neutral Quenya Crescent or Bow (cû) Willow (taþar)
Cúthon Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Pine (thon)
Cútyulusse Neutral Quenya Crescent or Bow (cû) Poplar (tyulusse)
Cúvallorn Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Golden (malt) Tree (orn)
Cúvalthorn Neutral Sindarin Crescent or Bow (cû) Golden (malt) Tree (orn)
Name Sex Origin Meaning