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Fantasy Name Generator > LOTR Elf Names > Battles

Lord of the Rings Elvish Battle Names

List of Lord of the Rings elvish battle themed names.

Filter by First Letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Filter by Gender: Any Male Female Neutral

Name Sex Origin Meaning
Ohtar Neutral Quenya Warrior (ohta+r)
Ohtardil Neutral Quenya Warrior (ohta+r) Lover or Friend (ndîl)
Ohtardur Neutral Quenya Warrior (ohta+r) Servant (ndur)
Ohtarion Male Quenya Warrior (ohta+r) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Ohtaro Male Quenya Warrior (ohta+r) Male (o)
Orchagar Neutral Sindarin Orc (orch) Blood (agar)
Orcher Neutral Sindarin Orc (orch) Lover or Friend (ser)
Orcondil Neutral Quenya Orc (orco) Lover or Friend (ndîl)
Orcondur Neutral Quenya Orc (orco) Servant (ndur)
Orhagar Neutral Sindarin Orc (orch) Blood (agar)
Orher Neutral Sindarin Orc (orco) Lover or Friend (ser)
Otchon Male Sindarin Apparition or War (auth) Brother (hawn)
Othanar Male Sindarin Apparition or War (auth) Brother (hanar)
Othion Male Sindarin Apparition or War (auth) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Othon Male Sindarin Apparition or War (auth) Male (on)
Otphen Neutral Sindarin Apparition or War (auth) One (pen)
Otthor Male Sindarin Apparition or War (auth) Brother (tôr)
Name Sex Origin Meaning