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Lord of the Rings Elvish Battle Names

List of Lord of the Rings elvish battle themed names.

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Filter by Gender: Any Male Female Neutral

Name Sex Origin Meaning
Ecettame Female Quenya Dagger (ecet) Maker (tam) Female (e)
Ecettamo Male Quenya Dagger (ecet) Maker (tam) Male (o)
Ecettan Neutral Quenya Dagger (ecet) Maker (tam)
Ech Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech)
Echanar Male Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Brother (hanar)
Echel Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Female (el)
Echel Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Daughter, Maiden or Girl (sell)
Echeleb Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Silver (celeb)
Echer Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Lover or Friend (ser)
Echereg Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Blood (sereg)
Echernil Female Sindarin Vengeance (acharn) Female (il)
Echessil Female Sindarin Dread or Fear (achas) Female (il)
Echeth Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Female (eth)
Echiar Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Blood (iar)
Echiel Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Echien Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Daughter of or Girl (ien)
Echil Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Female (il)
Echion Male Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Echneth Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Teenage Girl (neth)
Echon Male Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Male (on)
Echon Male Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Brother (hawn)
Echwen Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Maiden and Virgin (gwend)
Ecphen Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) One (pen)
Ecthel Female Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Sister (thêl)
Ecthel Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel)
Ecthelben Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Husband or Married Man (bend)
Ecthelben Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) One (pen)
Ecthelbes Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Wife or Married Woman (bess)
Ecthelchanar Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Brother (hanar)
Ecthelchon Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Brother (hawn)
Ectheldaer Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Bridegroom (daer)
Ectheldes Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Young Woman (dess)
Ectheldir Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Young Man (ndîr)
Ectheldis Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Bride (ndîs)
Ectheldor Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Brother (tôr)
Ecthelel Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Female (el)
Ectheleth Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Female (eth)
Ecthelhel Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Daughter, Maiden or Girl (sell)
Ectheliel Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Ecthelien Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Daughter of or Girl (ien)
Ecthelil Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Female (il)
Ecthelion Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Ecthelneth Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Teenage Girl (neth)
Ecthelnith Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Sister (nîth)
Ecthelon Male Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Male (on)
Ecthelthel Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Sister (thêl)
Ecthelwen Female Sindarin Spearpoint (ecthel) Maiden and Virgin (gwend)
Ecthor Male Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Brother (tôr)
Ederthril Female Sindarin Reuniter (adertha+or) Female (il)
Egeril Female Sindarin Blood (agar) Female (il)
Eglerebil Female Sindarin Glorious (aglareb) Female (il)
Egleril Female Sindarin Glory (aglar) Female (il)
Egnas Neutral Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas)
Egnasben Male Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Husband or Married Man (bend)
Egnasbes Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Wife or Married Woman (bess)
Egnasdaer Male Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Bridegroom (daer)
Egnasdes Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Young Woman (dess)
Egnasdir Male Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Young Man (ndîr)
Egnasdis Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Bride (ndîs)
Egnaspen Neutral Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) One (pen)
Egnassel Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Female (el)
Egnassel Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Daughter, Maiden or Girl (sell)
Egnasseth Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Female (eth)
Egnassiel Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Egnassien Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Daughter of or Girl (ien)
Egnassion Male Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Egnasson Male Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Male (on)
Egnastor Male Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Brother (tôr)
Egnaswen Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Maiden and Virgin (gwend)
Egnessil Female Sindarin Sharp Point (egnas) Female (il)
Ehereg Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Blood (sereg)
Ehiar Neutral Sindarin Thorn or Spine (ech) Blood (iar)
Ehtitame Female Quenya Spear (ehte) Maker (tam) Female (e)
Ehtitamo Male Quenya Spear (ehte) Maker (tam) Male (o)
Ehtitan Neutral Quenya Spear (ehte) Maker (tam)
Ehtyar Neutral Quenya Spear Holder (ehtya+r)
Ehtyare Female Quenya Spear Holder (ehtyar) Female (e)
Ehtyariel Female Quenya Spear Holder (ehtyar) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Ehtyarion Male Quenya Spear Holder (ehtyar) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Ehtyaro Male Quenya Spear Holder (ehtyar) Male (o)
Eithagar Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) Blood (agar)
Eithagarwaen Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) Bloodstained (agarwaen)
Eithagarwen Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) Bloodstained (agarwaen)
Eithereg Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) Blood (sereg)
Eithiar Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) Blood (iar)
Eithilevren Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) White Crystal (silivren)
Eithruin Neutral Sindarin Spearpoint (aith) Fiery Red (ruin)
Elempilin Neutral Quenya Star (elen) Arrow (pilin)
Emerthelil Female Sindarin Fate (amarth) Elf (edhel) Female (il)
Emethil Female Sindarin Shield (amath) Female (il)
Enagar Neutral Sindarin Holy (en) Blood (agar)
Enamath Neutral Sindarin Holy (en) Shield (amath)
Eniar Neutral Sindarin Holy (en) Blood (iar)
Eragar Neutral Sindarin Holy (en) Blood (agar)
Eramath Neutral Sindarin Shield (amath)
Erhereg Neutral Sindarin Holy (en) Blood (sereg)
Eriar Neutral Sindarin Holy (en) Blood (iar)
Erthor Neutral Sindarin Uniter (ertha+or)
Erthoriel Female Sindarin Uniter (ertha+or) Daughter of or Girl (iell)
Erthoril Female Sindarin Uniter (ertha+or) Female (il)
Erthorion Male Sindarin Uniter (ertha+or) Son of or Boy (iôn)
Erthoron Male Sindarin Uniter (ertha+or) Male (on)
Essereg Neutral Sindarin Holy (en) Blood (sereg)
Ethil Female Sindarin Apparition or War (auth) Female (il)
Name Sex Origin Meaning