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Fantasy Name Generator > Arthurian Legend Names

Arthurian Legend Names

List of fantasy names from Arthurian legend.

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Filter by Gender: Any Male Female Neutral

Name Sex Origin Meaning
Lailoken Male Old English A fool in Arthurian legend
Lamorak Male Old English Brother of Percival in Arthurian legend
Lamorat Male Old English Brother of Percival in Arthurian legend
Lancelot Male French Knight of Arthur in Arthurian legend
Laudegrance Male Old English Father of Guinevere in Arthurian legend
Launcelot Male French Knight of Arthur in Arthurian legend
Launfal Male Old English A knight in Arthurian legend
Leodegan Male Old English Father of Guinevere in Arthurian legend
Leodegraunce Male Old English Father of Guinevere in Arthurian legend
Lionel Male French Cousin of Lancelot in Arthurian legend
Llacheu Male Old English Arthur's son in Arthurian legend
Lludd Male Old English Name of a king in Arthurian legend
Loe Male Old English Father of Erec in Arthurian legend
Lohengrin Male Old English Son of Percival in Arthurian legend
Lohoot Male Old English Son of Arthur in Arthurian legend
Lot Male Hebrew Name of a king in Arthurian legend
Lucan Male Old English Brother of Arthur in Arthurian legend
Lueius Male Old English A Roman emperor in Arthurian legend
Laudine Female Old English A widow in Arthurian legend
Lausanne Female Old English Lake Geneva
Lidoine Female Old English Daughter of Cavalon in Arthurian legend
Llamrei Female Old English Arthur's horse in Arthurian legend
Luned Female Old English Servant of Laudine in Arthurian legend
Lunet Female Old English Servant of Laudine in Arthurian legend
Lunete Female Old English Servant of Laudine in Arthurian legend
Lynelle Female Welsh Accompanied a knightly quest in Arthurian legend
Lynessa Female Welsh Accompanied a knightly quest in Arthurian legend
Lynet Female Welsh Sister of Lyonors in Arthurian legend
Lynette Female Welsh Sister of Lyonors in Arthurian legend
Lynley Female Old English Abbreviation of Lynnette in Arthurian legend
Lynna Female English Abbreviation of Lynnette in Arthurian legend
Lynne Female English Abbreviation of Lynnette in Arthurian legend
Lynnet Female Welsh Accompanied a knightly quest in Arthurian legend
Lynnette Female Welsh Accompanied a knightly quest in Arthurian legend
Lyones Female Old English Wife of Gareth in Arthurian legend
Lyonesse Female Old English Wife of Gareth in Arthurian legend
Lyonet Female Old English Sister of Lyones in Arthurian legend
Lyonors Female Old English Mother of Boore in Arthurian legend
Lysanor Female Old English Mother of Boore in Arthurian legend
Name Sex Origin Meaning